Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wellington Life

(extinct bird beak pin, Te Papa)

Word: Zine- little magazines Wellitonians make and sell at certain Wellington locations.

Book: The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle (Just finished it for the first time)

Officially enrolled. School is on the horizon. The only exciting part of International postgraduate orientation was meeting a young woman from Mongolia. She had fierce green eyes. And what was she studying? Information management, what else? Met a few Americans- we are a funny looking bunch, such big eyes and rambling mouths. All good of course. Must we talk to everyone, everywhere? I certainly cannot help myself but comment…did you get an apple from upstairs- they are so crisp…where are you from? And off we go.

After orientation I scoured the campus for a piano. NO LUCK. I had to sign up for a 30-minute slot at the music building, which ate 6 of my dollars. Guess there will not be any composing this year.

For all you birders I spotted a Tui on my way home. Rather it spotted me, letting the whole valley know it was sitting atop a tree, watching me, watching it. What a noisy white throated thing. Pretty.

There are little bookish-magazines sold at certain shops around Wellington called zines. No subject matter is too droll or outlandish for a zine. The other day I read an article about a couple that sketched cats around Wellington. In order for a cat to be cataloged (pun intended) they had to have seen it a few times, and “spent time with it,” despite the fact that a cat is a cat, and it spends time with you. I’ve found myself partaking in this odd act of cat calling, being there are MANY charming cats, perhaps awaiting the company of an American? No cat’s ever made a move to groove on with me. Damn, the zine will be as close as I get to them. Wellington is a place of odd things, as well as lots of cats.

A few days ago I found myself wondering around Te Papa (Kiwi National Museum) with two French wwoofer’s. Did you know in the bowels of Te Papa resides the only colossal giant squid? It has 360 degree revolving talons on its tentacles! Bad ass. Sweet as?

1 comment:

  1. ANNE MARIE! I have found you! Tracked you down :) Its I, you're long lost peep Carly. Your bro guided me here. Oh Reed. Anyhow. I love reading this. It makes me miss you even more! He gave me your email so I will be bugging you soon.

    Grace and Peace,
    Carlsbad cavernscoto
