Wednesday, February 24, 2010


(Victoria is at the top of the hill)

(Summer time, lovely palm tree noises in the wind)

(Study time at my desk)

Starting is often the most difficult part of doing something. Especially when skill and initial knowledge is severely limited! Moving to a new city we find ourselves angry about the unknown origins of the layout- what’s the point of this light, why is it here, is this a one way, was that a stop sign? Profound amounts of frustration are unearthed as are fingers fumble for the flip switch. Dark rooms stay dark because whoever designed the house was an idiot for putting the damn thing a million feet from the doorway. You get the point. Learning is difficult, especially as adults; we cannot easily put aside expectations and demands, which hinder the process of growth. Sometimes “a” says “a” sometimes “a” is says e (schwa), sometimes “a” says ah.

Yesterday a leech shared the shower grounds. It was hard to ignore him. He kept rearing one of his ends and “looking around.” There are no walls to the shower here, so things can get pretty wild- because wild things can get in. The other week a GIANT spider kept inching towards my toes, perhaps they looked tasty. Shower time was decidedly short that night.

Readings have begun and so have the millions of questions. The page turning subjective well-being classics, The Sense of Well-Being in America by Angus Campbell, and Social Indicators of Well-Being by Frank M. Andrews and Stephen B. Withey will be good company for the next couple days. This blog will become one of pointless pondering, which anyone is more than welcome to graze over.

Today I met up with another Santa Barbarian. Santa Barbara is filled with good people, glad there is a fellow SBer around, how strange!

How is the Olympic craze in the states? Here it is as if the Winter Olympics do not exist. No Kiwi has placed higher than 10th, heaps of jokes were made last night over a young German man with the last name “Wank.”

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