Thursday, February 25, 2010

Built Structure


(sketches of Pacific Island homes)

Word: Pandanus- used for roofs in Pacific Islands

Book: Pacific Island Style- Peter Shaw & Glenn Jowitt

Traveling does not ameliorate the desire to travel. Wafts of knowledge inhaled from books are noisome to the pocket book. Oh well. With that said tomorrow I ride the rail to Paraparaumu to pick up a guitar bought off trade me, which is a local on-line auction site. $60USD for a guitar- must be quality. Trade me is bit like craigslist. A 19-year-old woman auctioned off her virginity on trade me last year. Apparently virginity is going for about $40,000NZD round these parts of the world. Prostitution is legal in NZ, so I believe the young woman was taxed.

The better part of this evening was spent studying up on Pacific Island building materials and styles. Wellington’s central library has a nice collection of design books. DVD’s cost $4 to loan for 3 days. Be thankful for your very fee free libraries in the USA. Use them or loose them!

This sketch does have a point- built environment and location might be the central themes of my thesis (relative to distance from water). Being on the fringe of research it seems that methodology and un-bias surveying is all about being well organized and having lots of money. Could be wrong.

Over the past couple of days I have looked up about 40 words on my Mac dictionary- writing the definitions down and studying them. I’ll be the first to admit that I am no natural academic! Some of us are not born knowing it all. Electronic Dictionaries are good teachers; know where your dictionary buddy is at all times!

(additional reading)

NZ Designs and decorative arts- Reed

The Necessity of Craft- Lorna Kaino

Our stories in Craft- Mau Mahara

Crafted by Design- Jeanette Cook & Stephen Robinson

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