Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thinks I've Been Thinking About and Quotes

"Freedom isn't free"

How do you measure freedom?

I feel like surveys are the Internet dating of qualitative work- you get to know people in this strange very impersonal way. You can’t read their body language, but you can read their deepest thoughts of self.

Can a good location lead to a happier life? What is good design, and what can it do for our well-being?

“The reason that looks so good is because it was obviously really good at its job”

“I like things that have a purpose, but also to have a sculptural element to them”
-The research behind and the idea of Pung Su, implemented by Hyundai.

What is comfort? The ability to choose? A healthy body?

“One reason that childhood vaccinations is widespread in every country that can afford to sustain such a program is because the public benefits of a population free of say, polio, far out weight the social costs of allowing diseases to run rampant or of making vaccination optimal, or available to those who choose to pay”

“If left to the markets fewer lives would be saved”

“The whole trend of modern medicine and surgery is in the direction of prevention, or if its arrest in the earliest stage possible, and with this object in view, in cases of general or infectious disease provision has been made for the voluntary treatment and isolation of such cases as cannot be treated at home, or for the compulsory treatment of such cases as are a danger to the community; but the same facilities are not granted in cases of the disease of the mind”

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