Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Do you like Living in America?

In a heated moment away from America I wrote a few things that I did not like about the country. New Zealand is not my favorite country, but it is a good country- with its social problems like every where else. It’s just a matter of what social issues can I tolerate. Obnoxious overspending in America, or the agnosticism of New Zealand. Choices, choices.

It’s not so much the fact that they (Americans) have millions and millions, it’s the fact that their highest priority is to keep the millions and millions and make more millions and millions so that they can remodel their house, donate to charities (I bet they never meet the people who receive the aid- remote and removed charity, why is that giving?) and go on a killer vacations. All the while avoiding taxes, running through life and talking, talking, talking…never listening. Their children’s goals revolve around attaining- not creating, loving and understanding others or even themselves. They have not the slightest idea who (their goals, passions or hurts) they are surrounded by, or what this world is actually like. They live in America.

That is the greatest young 20's rant I will ever put over America.

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