Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RIP Shaka

Our tried and true kitty has passed on to the other side. Shaka is riding the glory train; hopefully a little less terrified than earthly Shaka would be in a moving vehicle. This brave kitty escaped during the fires, and found his way home 4 days later, “helped” mom in the garden, warmed our beds (as well as our hearts) and fought off menacing black kitty till the end. We will never forget you Shaka Kitty Zulu Warrior.

It’s not a kitty conducive world out there on the Rivera- with all its windy roads and coyote foes. Damn car came probably came out of nowhere, and we shall all ride more bikes in your honor Shaka. Thank you for loving me and sleeping beside me all those nights I felt so heartbroken. You were my #1 man. We will never forget you!

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