Thursday, April 8, 2010

4,000 Acres View From The Back Of A Truck


(cattle are curious creatures)

(hills for days, layers of mountains)

(sitting in the back of a truck)

(New Zealand)

We took a long ride back into the hills of the Coats Farm, stopping to view freshwater eels, fix broken pipes and take a tour of the sheering shed. I was in awe most of the time- layers of mountains, perfectly placed cabbage trees, cattle stopping to stare, New Zealand. What a strange job sheep and cattle have- to eat then move to eat some more, somewhere else.

There were many a discussion about dead sheep. The Coats used to have quite a few, when they bought the farm. But sheep are difficult, and incredibly stupid. Apparently sheep and dead sheep are synonymous to some farmers. By the way, a farm in New Zealand is the same thing as a ranch in the States. The coats don't grow anything per se, they have beef cattle, a few sheep, heaps of dogs, and wildly horses.

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