Thursday, April 8, 2010

People and Eels

(Blair had to sit on the calf for its safety)

(we all tried to tackle the calf, who was separated from its mother and found hiding under a cabbage tree)

(look I'm feeding a wild eel!! See it at the bottom of the stick?)

(brother and sister feeding eels)

(Morgan and her dog Tane, Ashley is getting ready to take us down to the Bach)

Back in the hills Blair (the youngest Coats) introduced Guy (Dad), Guy Sr.(Grandpa), Clydell (Grandma), Morgan and I to Burp, his wild pet freshwater eel. The eels are huge, living a good life off of all the dumb dead sheep. Yum, even the eels in New Zealand love lamb. Main form of transport back into the hills- back of truck! We took the 4 wheeler out to cruise the paddocks in search for the missing calf. Farm life, eh!

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