Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Fringe

(play viewed inside this bus)

Last night I went to see a show in the back of a bus. There were 13 of us in a sweaty little room for 40 minutes watching an odd trio work out something that resembled a play. There was a suicide, manatee, “hip-hop” children’s song, and buckets of sweat. Julia took her daughter Echo, (Marigold lives too far away), Echo’s partner (by the way partner means boyfriend or girlfriend in NZ), and I out for a real “Fringe” treat. The Fringe festival is where Bret and Jemaine got their wings. It’s a very raw, thespian heavy festival that proves why Wellington is one of the world’s best kept secrets.

In case you couldn’t tell, I am slightly in love with Wellington. I adore the energy this city emits 1000’s of miles away from mainland. Life here is never boring, driving around tonight after the show Julia and I viewed a random play unfolding in a park. It kind of hurts to say, but Wellington is much more fashionable than Santa Barbara, and the coffee is the best I have EVER had- we get it from a roaster several doors down. Further, the NZ wine selection is brilliant (and cheap), the arts scene in very much alive, ice cream is “tip top,” diversity abound, and heaps of good looking people call this city home. So book your ticket, soon. Why soon? Because they are going to be expensive next year due to the Rugby World Cup rolling through NZ in 500 or so days.

Tid bits of randomness:

· Elephants are the only animal that can’t jump- fact from my Tampon box

· Dilmah Ceylon tea- drink it 3 times a day

· Trade Aid- NZ based fair trade organization, over 75 partners in 30 countries- bought a great basket from Trade Aid, a very organized organization

· Something smells rancid in the garden- Julia thinks it’s a dead hedgehog

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