This is the lesbian widow spider, Susan. Right now she's looking for a mate, but there's not too many spiders around, let alone lesbian spiders. Susan’s partner, Patty, passed away a month ago and I watched Susan carry Patty’s body to their nest. It was morbidly romantic. One couldn’t help but feel like they were watching something sacred. But when nature calls…
Like clockwork after 11:00ish Susan comes out to eat whatever didn’t make it’s way back outside. Gross. Susan eats food off the bathroom floor. Patty’s body is available for viewing near Susan’s nest in the far left hand corner of the b-room. Double gross, but I’d never say that to Susan’s “face,” as that she rules the bathroom.
Another sighting worth noting is that of Jemaine and Brett of Flight of the Conchords. They were eating some breakfast at the cafĂ© a block down from my house (where we get our coffee). Late for a cricket game I rushed past Brett and had to do a double take. How exciting! Seen em’ all now (wow, this country is SMALL)! Jemaine has a little baby; pretty sure they were both with their wives. Word has it that they did an impromptu show at the video shop a few houses down the day after they won a Grammy. This must be their stomping grounds. Honestly, New Zealand would be a great place to live if you were famous because kiwi’s pride themselves in not making a big fuss- over anything, especially not another kiwi (notice kiwi will never be capitalized which is completely intentional).
The better part of Saturday was spent watching New Zealand beat Australia at cricket. The game went from 2:00pm-9:30pm. Cricket keeps kids off the street. One cannot get high/shoot up/drink and play an eight-hour game; it’s just not possible. Besides, it’s a gentleman’s sport. A fellow graduate student/office mate invited me along and explained the game to a cricket idiot. Fun kiwi cultural experience.
Today I went swimming in Wellington at Island Bay, where on clear day the South Island can be seen. Being the end of summer the water was ABSOLUTLY FREEZING. Thought I’d be tough enough from California, but it was brutal and I wouldn’t call what I did swimming- just jumping off a jetty with local kids (as always) and booking it back to the shore. Had to do it though, autumn will be here in the next couple weeks.
“Blanket Man” was in full force downtown today, lying just about naked in the warm Welly sun. Google “Blanket Man, Wellington.”
wow...a jemaine AND brett sighting...luck girl.