Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's time to retire this blog. Other places I have viewed namely, Cambodia, China, and Japan will have be another time (maybe when I go back). Yet in the spirit of travel I’d like to close this fine adventure with some more photos of Bryce and Zion. For it was on this beautiful morning walk in Zion that my mom said she too thought about graduate school- then she met my dad.

I would like the world to know that my mother is an incredible women with many talents and an extremely sharp mind. She should have gone to graduate school. We look over her creations as something Elizabeth does- but this attitude undermines her genius. Elizabeth's desire to make things beautiful for people is a subject, rather than a project. I can't tell you how much thought has gone into her spaces and parties. We were not rich growing up, but I felt rich because everything always felt perfect, in order, and interesting. If design is created something under restraints, then my mom is a brilliant designer. Cheers to you Elizabeth, I hope I got a little of your brilliance.

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