Sunday, November 22, 2009

How does One Diffuse Violence, Revalue Humanity, Forgive, Slowly Progress and Acknowledge the Issues of the Present without Becoming Angry?

(image: Bathroom in South Africa- Anne-Marie, 2007)

“I felt so lame as an American saying that we no longer are a protest nation, and it’s true the government no longer listens to our cries and organizations. So organization must be taken to another level and technology will provide this...I have come to realize that comfort is something that is achieved by the individual first and community second...I like to watch people satisfied with themselves, and unsatisfied with their life situation or see how they view themselves- well off, comfortable, arrogant, greedy? What type of life am I living? Am I ok with being comfortable? What is comfort? Education, a good relationship with your family? What level of comfort does one need to have a good life? Is comfort the same for everyone?

-Notes from my past life, South Africa 2007.

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